Don't Send Your Buyers to a Bank or Online Lender for Their Home Loan. Consider an Independent Broker.

Using a Broker Makes a Big Difference

Banks and corporations are limited to their proprietary products. We shop multiple lenders to find the best rate and product for their situation.

We have a network of lenders who offer programs that can accommodate buyers with lower credit rating or who are independent contractors with 1099 incomes.

We can also work with refinancing investment properties. We have loan programs based on rental income only – no tax return required.

Loans are Much More than Dollars and Cents

Your clients are unique individuals with hopes and dreams—but at times they may experience challenging issues on the road to reaching their goals. A career mortgage loan officer connects multiple disciplines and skills—counselor, strategist, and professional advisor—in a way that allows you to connect deeply with your clients and their families to help them for generations to come

Integrated Technology

We partner with the largest mortgage lenders in the industry. Our integrated, web-based technology platform allows your clients to manage critical aspects of their loan process while reducing your day-to-day operational involvement to have a fast closing. With PML focused on technology, agents can focus on what is important: growing your client base.


We want to earn your business. It’s the Advice that makes the difference.

Partner with an experience 30-year real estate professional and add value to your practice. OWN YOUR FUTURE!